Hearing Loss: Spotting Facts from Fictions

Hearing Loss: Spotting Facts from Fictions

There are a lot of misconceptions around hearing loss. This is due to misinformation, or simply not enough emphasis on the importance of treating hearing loss. This may be in part attributed to insurance companies which have lobbied for decades to keep treatments for hearing loss classified as elective treatments in the campaign to reduce their bottom line. Today however, …

How Treating Hearing Loss Supports Cognitive Function

How Treating Hearing Loss Supports Cognitive Function

Everyone knows we use our ears to hear, but it’s less common to consider the aspects of hearing which require cognitive function. In truth, the process of hearing is not complete until sounds reach our brain. Most cases of hearing loss – nearly 90 percent—are sensorineural. Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by damage to tiny hairlike cells within the inner …

The World Health Organization Estimates 2.5 Billion with Hearing Loss by 2050

The World Health Organization Estimates 2.5 Billion with Hearing Loss by 2050

The world continues to become noisier as urban and suburban communities continue to expand, roads extend to nearly every corner of the world and planes soar overhead. However, perhaps it is access to the internet which seems to fill our days with more information and noise than ever before. More and more people globally have normalized the use of smartphones …

The Effect of Untreated Hearing Loss on Your Everyday Mood

The Effect of Untreated Hearing Loss on Your Everyday Mood

We hear to help us stay alert of the world around us in addition to allowing us to hear the people in our lives. However, sound can bring us to a full range of emotions from happy to sad. This means that when hearing loss sets in, it is no surprise that it affects our overall mood and may even …

Brands and Styles of Hearing Aids

Brands and Styles of Hearing Aids

Selecting Hearing Aids When choosing hearing aids, it can be difficult to know which features and styles are right for you. At A&A Audiology, we offer comprehensive screening and interviews to help determine the best hearing aids for your lifestyle. We also offer only the industry-leading hearing aid brands in quality and performance. We know that you will be spending …

Preventing Hearing Loss and Reducing Its Impact

Hearing Aids were a Pioneer in Electronics Miniaturization

The demand for auditory devices has played a crucial role in the history of electronics miniaturization, driving advancements in compact and efficient technologies.  As pioneers in this field, hearing implements have consistently pushed the boundaries of innovation, resulting in remarkable developments. Why is this important for us to consider as we investigate and maintain the importance of healthy hearing in …

How to Protect Our Hearing by Understanding How We Hear

How to Protect Our Hearing by Understanding How We Hear

As we age the risk of hearing loss rises. By the time we cross the threshold of 60 years old, one in four of us will have hearing loss but within five years, this number jumps to one in three. By the time we reach 75 years and half of us will have hearing loss. Even so, there are things …

The Benefits of Treating Your Hearing with an Audiologist

The Benefits of Treating Your Hearing with an Audiologist

So, you are pretty sure you have hearing loss. Your family complains that you struggle to hear them, and you find yourself often pretending to hear in social situations just to avoid having to ask them to repeat themselves again. Today, when it comes to hearing aids, you have options. This includes styles, and features of hearing aids for which …

Can Hearing Loss Affect Your Personality?

Can Hearing Loss Affect Your Personality?

What makes up our personality? Some describe it as the unique patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguish you from others—a resulting combination of biology and environment, which should remain fairly consistent throughout life. However, as health factors change, this can affect key pillars of your behavior. In the case of hearing loss, it can make it difficult to …

A Healthy Diet May Help to Stave Off Age-Related Hearing Loss

A Healthy Diet May Help to Stave Off Age-Related Hearing Loss

We all must eat to survive, but our choices have more impact on our body than we may initially understand. It seems like everywhere we go, there are advertisements trying to convince us to eat foods loaded with saturated fats and sugars. While these foods may initially feel good, the long-term impact may include addiction. In fact, a recent study …