Addressing Hearing Loss May Improve Care of Older Adults

Addressing Hearing Loss May Improve Care of Older Adults

Although clinics, hospitals, and rehab facilities are nerve-wracking for anyone, they are incredibly daunting for older adults who may have hearing problems. More research is now being conducted on the care of older adults, and how, if their hearing loss was understood and treated, that care could be improved. Hearing loss and older adults The World Health Organization has established …

Facts & Fictions about Hearing Loss

Facts & Fictions about Hearing Loss

There is a lot of information about hearing loss out there, and it can be hard to navigate through the guidance and recommendations about safe hearing habits. Many that choose not to treat their hearing loss have a wide variety of reasons to do so.  We’re going to address some of them here, and why we think the ideas are …

Things People with Hearing Loss Wish You Knew

Things People with Hearing Loss Wish You Knew

As the first deaf-blind person to achieve a Bachelor of Arts degree, Helen Keller once remarked that her incapacity to hear was the most challenging condition to live with. Even though being blind meant that she was separated from her surroundings, not communicating isolated her from the people around her.  When you have hearing loss, many people don’t understand how …

Investing in Your Health: Treating Hearing Loss

Investing in Your Health: Treating Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is common, but it is gradual and is often ignored until it becomes a more severe issue. It is essential to seek treatment for hearing loss once symptoms occur to treat the hearing loss itself and its impact on other illnesses. And the best way to treat hearing loss is with hearing aids! Treating hearing loss: a sound …

Celebrate World Alzheimer's Month with a Hearing Test!

Celebrate World Alzheimer’s Month with a Hearing Test!

September is World Alzheimer’s Month, making it a perfect time to discuss hearing loss.  As more and more evidence shows, the two disorders are closely interrelated, and managing hearing loss may directly impact healthy brain function. Hearing loss stands at number three in the most common conditions affecting older adults (after arthritis and heart disease). By the age of 65, …

Talking about Hearing Loss: Why Your Disclosure Method Matters

Talking about Hearing Loss: Why Your Disclosure Method Matters

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with hearing loss, you may still be experimenting with ideas about disclosure. Many people who are not yet comfortable with their hearing loss and are likely not using hearing aids may prefer to avoid talking about it at work or in social situations.  While this is among the common responses to a new hearing loss, …

All About Tinnitus

All About Tinnitus

Tinnitus is one of the most frequently experienced medical issues in America, affecting 15-20% of the population. It commonly accompanies hearing loss, and is the most common affliction for veterans returning home. Tinnitus is most commonly experienced as a high-pitched ringing in the ears, but it can also appear as a clicking or buzzing sound, humming or hissing, or even …

Veterans and Hearing Loss

Veterans and Hearing Loss

Tinnitus and hearing loss are the two most common health concerns among returning veterans in the United States. While the Department of Veterans Affairs does provide some assistance to veterans seeking treatment for tinnitus and hearing loss, the military has also been steadily improving its approach to hearing protection and helping to prevent veterans from suffering from hearing loss in …

Occupational Hearing Hazards

Occupational Hearing Hazards

It comes as no surprise that workplaces carry certain safety risks. Many who work in factories and manufacturing sites will be familiar with potential occupational hazards. Luckily, there are lots of measures taken by employers to ensure their employees are safe and healthy.  Those working in offices can experience workplace injuries from lifting heavy items and the potential damage from …

Understanding Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Understanding Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is among the most prevalent types of hearing loss. Sensorineural forms of hearing loss like this occur in 23 percent of people over the age of 65.  However, the distinction with this kind of hearing loss is that, unlike the others, it is 100 percent preventable. Here we look at the causes of noise-induced hearing loss …