Going Digital With Your Hearing Aids

Going Digital with Your Hearing Aids     

Until you or your friends decide to treat hearing loss with hearing aids, you might still think that hearing aids remain the clunky, unmanageable objects of the past. Today’s hearing aids are much different than those used even a generation ago. In fact, you might not even notice many of the modern hearing aids being worn around you, because they …

Dealing with Noise Pollution in Your Neighborhood

Dealing with Noise Pollution in Your Neighborhood

We live in a noisy world, and yet we’ve essentially grown immune to the loudness that surrounds us every day. But while our attention to the noise might not be conscious, it certainly affects our hearing health! Our ears evolved to function in a much, much quieter environment. Prior to the industrial revolution, the sounds we encountered in our daily …

Difficulties with Communication Could Signal a Hearing Loss

Difficulties with Communication Could Signal a Hearing Loss  

You passed your hearing test with flying colors so everything is great, right? That might not be the case if you still have trouble hearing in chaotic environments or holding conversations when external noise is present. It’s not all in your head. You may be experiencing hidden hearing loss. Hidden hearing loss is an idea that was introduced just a …

How Hearing Aids Can ChangE Your Life

How Hearing Aids Can Change Your Life

Healthy hearing is recognized by a majority of Americans as a priority, and yet, many procrastinate hearing examinations sometimes despite symptoms of hearing loss. Waiting to treat hearing loss can impact your mental and emotional health, your relationships and is even linked with an increased risk of dementia.  But there are ways to intervene if hearing loss makes an appearance …

How Treating Hearing Loss Supports Your Brain

How Treating Hearing Loss Supports Your Brain  

Many adults with later onset hearing loss decline treatment for years, even decades! The average length of time a person lives with hearing loss before opting in on hearing aids is about ten years. That’s a very long time to manage increased labor in communication, loss of closeness with loved ones and even isolation and depression. Upon deciding to treat …

How Treating Hearing Loss Helps Your Mental Health

How Treating Hearing Loss Helps Your Mental Health

Mental health challenges have been on the rise in the last year. The COVID-19 pandemic led to higher reports of many mental and relational health issues, including but not limited to anxiety, stress, and depression. Why did these mental health concerns escalate in this way? On the one hand, pandemic conditions had a direct effect on mental health. With the …

Q&A About Hearing Loss

Q&A About Hearing Loss

Hearing loss affects at least 48 million people in the United States alone, and most people who live to the golden years will have some form of hearing loss. Despite its commonality, hearing loss remains a mystery to some. Competing reports of the origins, effects, and treatments for hearing loss lead to some misinformation, and it is important to stick …

Building Connections | May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

Building Connections | May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

For the past year, many of us have found it difficult to connect with loved ones. Those who live far away might have been unable to travel for months at a time. Even those loved ones who live nearby might be separated from us due to social distancing protocols and temporary quarantines. After the strain caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, …

Can Hearing Aids Be "Stylish"?

Can Hearing Aids Be “Stylish”?

Hearing aids have come a long way since the strange and marvelous vacuum tube contraptions of the 1800s. A genuinely revolutionary wave of intelligent, practical devices has only begun to emerge in the last few decades.  They’ve even become fashionable. But in what respects are they considered stylish? In looks, in function, and in the way they have normalized the …

Improving Communication with Your Family

Improving Communication with Your Family

If you have a loved one with hearing loss, you might be familiar with how difficult it can communicate. Sometimes we all forget to make it easy for a conversation to proceed smoothly. Still, even when we try to facilitate the process, we can find that things are difficult.  Let’s take a moment to consider some essential advice to make …